Shared Cause works hand-in-hand with communities, institutions, coalitions, foundations and governments that are dedicated to equity and social justice. Together, we have tackled many of the big issues of our time – from snuffing out smoking to ensuring children are ready to succeed in school, from scaffolding a public health delivery system to stamp out a deadly disease to helping first generation college-goers earn diplomas.
Making Collective Impact Work

Zero to Eight: Nevada Early Childhood Advisory Council
The State of Nevada has committed to re-inventing its educational system, starting at the very beginning with early learners. Shared Cause helped guide the development of a statewide strategic plan to strengthen its systems of support for young children and their families.
Learn more Zero to Eight: Nevada Early Childhood Advisory Council

Squaring Off Against Big Tobacco: The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Shared Cause was instrumental in creating the National Center for Tobacco-Free Kids, the leading advocacy organization working to reduce tobacco use and its deadly consequences.
Learn more Squaring Off Against Big Tobacco: The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

Minding the Gap: 5th Quarter of Learning
Shared Cause identified summer learning as a powerful tool for closing the achievement gap. We were part of the planning team for the Boston Summer Learning Project, now the Fifth Quarter of Learning.

Staying Power: Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)
Shared Cause led two strategic plans for the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA), bringing it economic sustainability and drawing its 5,000 members into closer, more effective collaboration.
Learn more Staying Power: Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)

Ready for Success: Thrive in 5
Kindergarten readiness is a key predictor of school success, but quality early learning settings are too often out of reach for families living in poverty. The City of Boston engaged Shared Cause to create a plan to make all Boston children ready for kindergarten.

Stopping a Killer Disease: The Campaign to Eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus Worldwide
Maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) was needlessly killing hundreds of thousands of mothers and babies. The U.S. Fund for UNICEF engaged Shared Cause to help marshal the institutional, financial and human resources necessary to eliminate MNT.
Our Clients
Shared Cause’s clients, past and present, share a commitment to achieving social progress on a large scale. They understand that doing so requires adopting goals, working in partnership, developing better systems to serve people, and mobilizing the full array of resources – public and private – needed to succeed. Their leaders have recognized and seized opportunities to leave a powerful, lasting legacy of service to others. We are privileged to have served them.
Foundation Initiatives
Bainum Family Foundation
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Centers for Disease Control Foundation
Commonwealth Fund
Early Childhood Initiative Foundation
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Lumina Foundation
Rockefeller Foundation
Sisters of Mercy North Carolina Foundation
Global Health
African HIV/AIDS Training Partnership (South Africa)
International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)
Kiwanis International
Oxfam America
Partners in Health
Perkins School for the Blind/Hilton-Perkins International
River Blindness Foundation
The Malaria Vaccine Initiative
United States Fund for UNICEF
World Health Organization (WHO)
Educational Attainment and Workforce Development
Boston Opportunity Agenda
Boys & Girls Clubs of Dorchester
Centralina Workforce Development Board
Committee for Economic Development
Future Forward Workforce Alliance
Monroe Harding
Northwest Piedmont Workforce Development Board
Piedmont Triad Partnership WIRED
SAAB (Student African American Brotherhood)
The Center of Workforce Innovations
The Gateway Region Workforce Development Consortium
The Kalamazoo Promise
United Way of Miami-Dade
United Way of Southeastern Michigan
Domestic Health and Elder Care
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Public Health Association
The Arthritis Foundation
Atlanta AIDS Partnership
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Brigham and Women’s Hospital Center of Excellence for
Patient Safety & Practice
Brigham and Women’s Hospital Connors Center for Women’s
Health and Gender Biology
Cambridge Health Alliance
Center for the Advancement of Palliative Care
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)
Deaconess Abundant Life Communities
Delta Health Alliance (Mississippi)
Harvard Medical School, Division of Sleep Medicine
Lahey Health
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of America
National Center for Gerontological Social Work Education
National Center for Tobacco-Free Kids
Partners HealthCare System, Cambridge Health Alliance and
Partners HealthCare System
Partnership for a Drug-Free America
Sanofi Genzyme Gaucher Humanitarian Program
Sherrill House
The Boston Home
Literacy and Early Childhood Education
Campaign for Grade-Level Reading
Children’s Services Council of Broward County
Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County
Focus HOPE, Detroit
Greater Louisville, Inc. (Chamber of Commerce, Louisville, KY)
Metro United Way (Louisville, KY)
MSCEI (Mississippi Center for Education Innovation)
National Center for Family Literacy
Nevada Children’s Cabinet
North Carolina Early Childhood Foundation
Reach Out and Read
Ready Schools Miami
SPARK (Supporting Partnerships to Assure Ready Kids)
Thrive in 5
United Way of Greater Atlanta
United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra
University of Mississippi/Campaign for Grade-Level Reading